Friday, February 09, 2007


The anticipation is building for all of us as our little girl's arrival is only 7 weeks away! It has been so neat to tell Caleb about her these last few months, and to see his excitement grow as my belly grows. He asks about her all the time, and he loves to put his little hands on her and feel her move. It's always interesting to hear his ideas of what she's doing in there. Sometimes he'll try to take a peek through my belly button. According to him, she's usually taking a bath, though occasionally she'll be at the park or playing with his weeble wobbles. A bit of his protective nature is coming out, as he makes sure we don't wake her up: "Shhhhh! The baby is sleeping!" One time, he asked her, "So, how was your day?" When he didn't get a response, he looked at me and said, "She's not listening to me!"
It always brings a special joy to my heart when he gives my belly a big hug and then leans down, kisses her, and says, "I love you!" He's told me that “She’s gonna come out one day, and I’m gonna share with her and be nice!” I hope the transition will go as smoothly as that, but I have a feeling we'll all have our days when adjusting from 3 to 4 will be difficult. The growing pains will be worth it, though, as we begin to experience a bond of family love that is deeper than we ever thought possible. And the best part is, we're already beginning to experience that love...