Friday, January 12, 2007

A great family Christmas!

Christmas for our family came on December 22nd this year as we decided to celebrate with Caleb before we left for North Carolina, rather than taking our family gifts with us. So Friday morning, we shared a special time with each other as we read the Christmas story and enjoyed giving gifts to each other in honor of the greatest gift of all. Caleb loved opening everything, of course! He was so thorough, patiently tearing every single little bit of the wrapping paper off before he opened and played with his presents. It was great to have a special time with our family, relaxing and enjoying Caleb as he enjoyed his new things and remembering our own childhood Christmases. We'd had pouring rain and nasty weather the night before, so we hadn't yet hung the swing we got for Caleb. But he had fun rocking in it in the living room as Mommy pretended to "push" him. (There's usually no playing problem that a little imagination can't solve!) David built Caleb a helicoptor out of the new fiddlestix, and I'm not sure who enjoyed playing with the fiddlestix more--Daddy or Caleb! But probably Caleb's favorite gift was a play school bus, because now he can be like Daddy as he pushes the bus and gives the "soodents" a ride!