Friday, January 19, 2007

Until we meet again...

Last Friday night, January 12th, we made an emergency trip to Indianapolis, IN. My grandfather (mom's dad), Bob Dedrick, was in the hospital and the doctors weren't sure if he would make it through the night. After arriving around 2AM, we spent a couple of hours with Grandpa before catching a little sleep at the Red Roof Inn. Caleb woke us up at normal time (7:30 AM) and we headed back to the hospital after breakfast.
We spent Saturday and Sunday at the hospital with Grandpa and other family members who had come to be with him in his last few days. Monday morning we headed back for Georgia, and Grandpa passed on Monday night about 10:30 PM.
It was a sad but very special time. We sang [Grandpa loved old spiritual songs]. We laughed. We cried. Grandpa enjoyed the company and seemed at peace. He exhibited a dying grace that I one day hope to emulate.