Sunday I went with a friend to "play" at a local park. He works at a gym I sometimes go to to lift weights and meet people. He comes from a city smaller than ours where his father works for the local government. He dreams of studying overseas and hopes one day to have the chance. He laughs easily and is very polite. Be asking that I have more opportunities to spend time with him. Here it is easy to meet people, but very hard to get to know them.
As we have been learning recently, most locals have three kinds of relationships. Firstly, you have family relationships, which are important to maintain and difficult to sever (as are the obligations entailed). Secondly, you have good friends (from your childhood or school years). These friendships are developed over time and loyalty runs deep. Thirdly, you have what are called "societal relationships." These are people you get to know for the purpose of discovering how you might be of help to one another in the future. The more ability and influence (or money) you have, the more of these kinds of relationships you will attract.
This puts us in a difficult position in some respects. Not being family and not being a childhood friend or classmate automatically puts us into the third category. Naturally, the third category of relationships is in your outer ring (likely furthest from your heart). It would take a unique situation for someone from your outer ring to work their way into your inner ring. Continue asking for wisdom and opportunities for us to speak to people at a heart level.