Friday, March 27, 2020


This morning we had the chance to reconnect with someone we worked with during our early days in China.  Karen served as our language consultant as we first began to become acquainted with the Chinese language.  She had already been in China for a number of years at that point, and was always very gracious and encouraging as we made slow but steady progress.

She was also with us when we passed our final language check and were declared “fit” to serve in the roles we were recruited to fulfill.  Many things have changed since those early days, but the bonds remain as strong as ever.  

And this serves as an important reminder when we are forced to face the unexpected but inevitable bends in the road.  When we put our faith and trust in God, nothing is wasted.  Even seemingly incompatible experiences are somehow miraculously woven into a tapestry that can often only be seen clearly in retrospect.

And for us this beautiful, intricate tapestry is the web of warm relationships God has given us over the years.  And though we all may now be removed by distance, our call this morning was a testimony of the unbreakable connection God forges through mutual service to a higher calling.  

So for those of you who are transient like us, be encouraged.  You are gone, but never forgotten!  And if we don’t meet again on this side of heaven, I’ll be looking for you on the other side with a big smile on my face.