Friday, December 09, 2011

A Leader is a Learner

I've been privileged to be around quite a few gifted leaders during our time here in the US.  I've been reflecting on what traits they possess that make me inclined to listen when they speak (and sometimes take notes!). 

The first trait I have observed is that a leader is always learning.  Regardless of their profession or season in life, you don't have to be around these folks long before you realize they have somehow grasped some timeless life principles that are always applicable and always relevant. 

When you begin to investigate a bit, you'll also find that this kind of person always has their eyes and ears open if the right person is speaking.  They seem to intuitively know who to talk to in order to find out whatever they need to know at that time. 

Whether they are learning from books, periodicals, online material, or people their curiosity is easily piqued and rarely satisfied. 

Even if you don't find yourself agreeing with this person, they are almost always able to earn your respect. Contrary to popular opinion, a true leader doesn't know everything.  But he/she is willing to learn anything that is worth learning. 

Stay hungry my friends.  Let us lead by learning.