Monday, August 02, 2010

Visit with friends

A couple of weeks ago we visited some friends outside of the city. 
Dave and I learned a few of their words (their language is mutually unintelligible with the national language) and enjoyed hearing and trying to make sounds that we haven't attempted since language school.

The kids enjoyed themselves as usual--especially the vast array of creatures that are always plentiful in the village.

The piglets got alot of attention; they were so cute!  Only a few weeks old.

This little chicken also got alot of lovin' while we were there.

Emily got alot of lovin', too, and enjoyed every minute of it!

Though we enjoyed visiting and playing with the kids, we couldn't ignore the weight of concern on our friends' minds and hearts. We've recently entered rainy season here, and have had some pretty heavy downfalls at times.  The drive along the way showed a little bit of green, and there's been enough moisture for the last couple of months to keep some things going, but not enough for our friends here. All of the crops they grow to sell for the year's income--corn, tobacco, and peppers--have already dried up and died.  The are living on the few things they were able to grow, the animals and livestock, and the dried corn (for meal and for trading) that they saved from last year's harvest. Just a few days after we left, several of the men left to look for work in a large city nearly 20 hours away. They will spend the rest of the year away from home, likely doing construction, working on roads, or in mines in order to earn enough money to get by until they can return home in the spring to plant next year's crops. 
It has been a very stretching time for the few family members there as they experience the difficulty of these times.  We talked and shared and asked dad to encourage them.  Please join us in thinking of them, that in spite of the circumstances, their roots would grow down deep into their source, so that no matter what comes, they will remain strong in him.