Neighborhood Buddies
It's been fun to see our kids grow over the last several months in their language ability as well as their comfort level here as they frequently interact with their neighborhood friends. There are several children in the neighborhood, many of them boys, and they roam together within our complex doing the things boys love to do--playing with sticks, climbing trees, catching tadpoles, riding scooters and such.
They seem to be pretty good boys, and have welcomed Caleb into the group. We've been able to meet many of their grandparents, as most of them live with and are primarily cared for by their grandmothers.
Susanna has found some friends too--this little girl lives in the next building over and is also three. They have a great time talking, playing dress-up, and giggling at Caleb's silly antics. They gave the kids minority outfits and Susanna's matches her friend's.
Her mom brings her over often in the evenings to play, and we have a good time chatting, watching the kids play, and getting to know each other better. The other night she was teaching Caleb how to write a few words.
Emily isn't without her little friends too. This little boy is only a month older than Emily, and his nanny often drops by with him to play and chat.
I've enjoyed spending time with them and really appreciate the friendship. I haven't seen them lately though, because they and the boy's mom had to move to a relative's home a couple of weeks ago because of domestic violence. Please be thinking about this family as they deal with this painful issue.
We're so thankful for these developing friendships, not just for our kids, but for us too. Thanks for lifting us up as we seek to make a difference here in our neighborhood.
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