Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The power of the uninvolved person

Today feeling a bit pensive.  Please indulge my ramblings for the next couple of paragraphs :)

Why is it so powerful when someone not directly involved takes an interest?  Why does it mean so much?  The love of a parent moves us,  but the love of the uninvolved person challenges us.  When questioned, the "Good Samaritan" simply says something to the effect of, "It was the right thing to do."

Holding the door, carrying something heavy for someone, a warm smile, a sensitive question in response to a downcast look.  Each of these actions can carry enormous importance to those on the receiving end. 

At times during our individual journeys, the involved people let us down.  We let them down.  This can quickly degrade into score-keeping and measured expressions of love (in proportion to the love we have received).  But the uninvolved person, as with the Good Samaritan, challenges this system.

When the one with little or no "ought" comes through, his selfless act moves us to give in a way that nothing else can.

Look for a way this week to be the uninvolved person who acts.  Please email me your experiences.  I'd love to read them.  Have a good week!