Monday, March 31, 2008

At the Zoo

I didn't get to publish this entry before we went on our trips--lately we've been having alot of trouble posting pictures on the blog for some reason. So... we're sorry for the less-frequent posting, and be on the lookout for entries about Susanna's birthday, our trip to the farming village, and our trip to Thailand...

The weather has been so beautiful here (it's definitely feeling more like the land of eternal spring now!), so a few Saturdays ago, we took off to the zoo. We'd never been to this one before, and it was fun to explore. It didn't take long to discover that the stroller would be fairly useless to us, though--the zoo's built on a large hill/low mountain and there are steps everywhere! So we parked it in the bike lot and climbed our way around.

We had fun seeing the animals--giraffes, oxen, zebras, camels, etc. (no pandas!) The monkeys are always one of my favorites.

Caleb really enjoyed getting to feed the birds.

It didn't take him long to find the kiddie rides, though, so we took a ride on the "worm."

Spring is in full bloom here, and the park had lots of picturesque scenes. I love all the dogwood and cherry blossoms around--reminds me of home!

But no matter where we go, the kids become the main attraction!

The highlight of the day, though, was watching these minority ladies perform in one of the open areas of the park.

They were accompanied by men playing music with different traditional instruments, one of which looked like an oversized mandolin. (I've gotta get me one of those!)

We watched for several minutes as they performed. Here is the link to a video clip of them dancing (sorry for the poor quality!):

You never know what--or who--you'll find here!