Thursday, April 05, 2007

Getting to normal...

It's funny how quickly we settle back into a routine after a life-altering event such as having a baby. We humans certainly crave a sense of normalcy, though "normal" looks different from one family to the next. Our little family has definitely had its struggles on our journey back to equilibrium, and while things will never be the same as they were 3 weeks ago, I think our new "normal" is beginning to emerge.
One of the hardest aspects of the adjustment for us has been seeing Caleb struggle to find his new role. But this week especially I can see the uncertainty and insecurity melting away as he adjusts to the changes. He's begun to understand that what's most important to him hasn't changed at all--we still love him more than life itself, we still care for his needs, we still delight in him and play with him and do what's best for him.
All the while, he's never shown direct jealousy of Susanna, or done anything aggressive or rough. He continues to be very nurturing with her--sharing his blankie, helping take care of her, holding her, giving lots and lots of kisses. Yesterday, he told me, "I love Susannie" (his special name for her). It may not last forever, but at least for now, he thinks she's pretty special.