Thursday, March 29, 2007

Adjusting well...

Hard to believe that Susanna arrived over 2 weeks ago! It’s been an eventful time, and we’ve all been adjusting to our new lives. Susanna is doing great—she sleeps well, eats well, and has been the definition of an easy baby. She’s had several firsts in the past couple of weeks—first outing, first doctor visit, first time meeting lots and lots of family and friends, first bath, first portraits taken, and more. And she’s beginning to fill out—her preemie clothes and diapers are fitting pretty well now!
So what does Caleb think of his new sister? Well, he’s very affectionate toward his little “Susannie”—freely giving kisses and hugs and helping take care of her. He likes to hold her and thinks the faces and noises she makes are hilarious. It has been hard on him at times, however, to share his Mommy and Daddy and the attention he’s used to getting. We can sense the insecurity and uncertainty that he’s feeling, but he’s learning, and we’re learning how to help him adjust.
Gracy is recovering well and is nearly back to normal. Though we both could use a little more sleep, we don’t have much to complain about. Overall, the transition has been exceptionally smooth, and we couldn't be more grateful for our precious growing family.