"Miles and Miles" of photos...
In January, we took a road trip across 2 borders for some time with Dave's mom and some meetings (see the post "Miles and miles..."). Now that our internet connection is loading photos a bit better, thought we'd show you a few scenes from our big adventure.
About an hour before we reached the border, a stand-still traffic jam due to large trucks and narrow, curvy roads gave us the opportunity to get out and stretch our legs, and to spot probably the biggest spider I've ever seen out in the "wild"-- legs and all it was about the size of my hand, fingers outstretched!
That afternoon we successfully crossed the border and drove most of the way across our neighboring country.
Wish we'd had time to stop and visit--I felt a little em- barrassed hanging out the window doing drive-by shootings (photos, that is), but we were trying to make it the rest of the way across the country so we could cross the second border the next morning. So... I guess drive-by's better than nothing!
Dave parked the van in this line of trucks and went to the office to handle the paperwork to get us across while we waited in the car. We watched as truck after truck passed us, loaded onto the ferry, and rode across to their destinations...
Minutes turned into nearly an hour, so we went up the office to look for Dave and the bathrooms. That's when I learned the fateful news that we needed a car passport, according to a law that had been passed within the last 2 weeks (which had not yet been circulated, thus of which we were unaware).
We spent the next two hours trying several times in several ways to get permission to ferry our car across, all to no avail. During that time, I experienced a depth of helpless frustration that I don't think I've felt very often in my lifetime. After 3 days of driving, we were tired, hot, and ready to get there! We'd almost made it! The last thing we wanted to do was leave our car--our independence, our freedom, our comfort--in a strange place with strangers and carry our stuff by hand on who knows what kind of adventure--but Dad had other things in mind...
So in the afternoon, we decided to take some time to cool off (in more than one way!), eat some lunch, and think about what to do. We found this guest house a couple miles from the river...
Dave returned to let me know that we'd be leaving the car, and that we needed to sort through our things and decide what to carry onward with us. We decided to pay the guest house to watch our car for the 2 weeks we'd be gone, and then notify the immigration office just in case something happened. So off we headed, essential luggage in tow, back down to the river to ride a motorized canoe across.
After landing and handling the appropriate paperwork to enter the country, we caught the last shuttle bus of the day and rode all the way to our final destination. The kids did great through it all, and we arrived 6 ours later, checked in, and hit the sack.
We also really enjoyed having time with Dave's mom, Linda, whom we met at the airport that evening. It was a special time for all of us--we hadn't seen each other face to face since Emily was born!
The next week, we went to a new location for a time of continuing education. Linda was able to join us during that time and help with our kids. During our time there, we also celebrated my 30th birthday. Family, pizza, and shopping made for a great time! =)
Back on the other side, the kids and I enjoyed the view and the afternoon sun while Dave handled the paperwork to cross the border.
We arrived back at the guesthouse, glad to see our car, eat a good meal, and get a good night's rest before starting the drive across country to the next border.
These people weren't home, so I didn't mind having Dave stop while I took a picture of their work in progress.
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