Friday, December 10, 2010

Big Man!

Hard to believe, but our firstborn is now 6 years old!  Looking at pictures from even just a year ago, it's clear how fast he's growing up!  One of the most enjoyable parts of being a parent is getting to know your child's personality and interests, talents and unique characteristics as they grow older, and this is certainly true with Caleb.  He's always been a playful, social, loving, energetic little guy, but most of all, curious.  He's always thinking, always wondering, always wanting to know more, always asking questions.  "What's faster than a millisecond?"  "How do you make a bomb?" "How do you know where to dig a well if you can't see the water underground?"  "How many hundreds are in 17 million?"  "What's stronger, rock or metal?" He keeps us on our toes sometimes! 

So to celebrate the six years we've had him with us,  first his grandparents were here a few days before his birthday and enjoyed giving his gifts to him in person...
...and Caleb enjoyed receiving his gifts in person!

On his birthday, we had a family time of celebrating him and giving gifts and cards...

...and that evening we had his friends (of all ages!) over to play and eat cake.  

Emily enjoyed the watermelon most of all!
Here's the birthday boy!

 He wanted creepy crawlies on his cake, so that's what he got!

Here's a little clip of the birthday song...

Next year, we'll have to start singing faster!  =)

We love you, buddy!