Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Just another day in the park...

I'm always amazed at the variety of hobbies and activities going on at the park on any typical day... flying kites, playing cards and checkers and chess and majong, playing instruments, singing, dancing, exercising, studying, sleeping, knitting, selling all kinds things, and more. Here, the park is not just a place, it's a rich cultural center full of life and opportunity for connection and relationships.

Dancing is especially popular in the mornings and evenings...
(Can you find David?)   

These folks are selling locally grown medicine--an interesting variety of roots, dried plants...  
and other ingredients for home remedies... 

No matter what season, the park functions as the old folks' home, the playground, the gym, the dance studio, the music hall, and everyone's backyard.  No matter whether you're looking for a home remedy or religious consultation, a date or a good workout, a glance at your future with the fortune teller or a new front tooth, you can find it all right there in the park.
The other day we were out with Caleb and this monk was selling "blessed" prayer beads.  People would choose the trinket they wanted and then wait while he sang and chanted over it...

We also saw this guy, who was selling hand-made spinning tops...

and this little guy... 

who thought Caleb was almost as interesting as the tops were...