Friday, April 03, 2009

Family of Five

After family left, it was time to begin life as Bondy family of five. Some moments were crazy, some were beautiful, some were… well, not worth mentioning! But here were a few of the more memorable times…

Three monkeys in bed…

Going for a family walk…

Playing in the dirt…

and dancing with Dad…

Emily continued to be healthy and had gained more than 2 pounds when she went for her 4 week checkup. She had some photogenic moments,
like her first smile caught on camera…
and some not-so-photogenic-but-entertaining-none-the-less moments,
like her superman stretch…
and her “you caught me in my diaper” look…

What would life be like without kids?!
I know ours would have a lot less laughter, entertainment, and joy! Maybe less gray hairs, too… but hey, it’s worth it!