Friday, April 03, 2009

Enjoying Emily and time with family...

The last week my mom was with us in Thailand, we were able to get out to a couple of the parks and enjoy some fun and fresh air. It was interesting getting 3 kids ready to go somewhere instead of two!

This was a park downtown where the kids enjoyed feeding the pigeons
And at this park we had fun riding the trolley and playing on the playground...

...all of us!

David's parents arrived a few days before Mom left. Caleb and Susanna were ecstatic to spend time with their Garney and Grandpa again. And it was so neat to see Craig and Linda enjoying Emily. I know they treasured the time they had with their newest grandbaby--between the two of them, she got lots of snuggle time and shoulder time! It had been a year since we'd seen them, so we all cherished each moment of the almost 2 weeks we had with them there.

The night before Mom left, she and I (and Emily!) went out on the town to celebrate our time together. We rode local transport and enjoyed a nice dinner and some shopping at the famous Night Bazaar. You don't take those kind of moments for granted...

What a gift to be able to have family there with us from halfway around the world, sharing such an important time our lives...becoming parents of 3, just as they are. It was a special time we'll never forget.