Thursday, May 31, 2007

It's Great to be Two!

Who said twos were so terrible? Two in the life of Caleb means adventure, energy and fun! There’s never a dull moment as Caleb exercises his independence, and yes, we’ve had our share of frustration and challenges! But for us, this age is far from terrible. Caleb is inquisitive, intelligent, and happy to the bottom of his little soul—he always has a song in his heart and hums wherever he goes. I delight in his care-free spirit and love for people—he never meets a stranger. And conversations with him are always interesting. Recently he asked for “monster gorilla sticks” (mozzarella sticks) for dinner!
It’s thrilling to see his endless imagination, his impressions of the world around him, and his expressions about what he’s learning. The other day he was playing the piano, going down the keyboard note by note, and when he got to the deepest notes he shivered and said “Ooooooo, it’s scary down there!”
Caleb is certainly your typical rough and tumble, “all-boy” two year old, but he’s also very loving and empathetic. One time he overheard David comfort Susanna when she was crying in the car, saying, “It’s okay, Susanna. We’re almost there.” So a couple weeks later when he heard me crying in the car, he said, “It’s okay, Mommy. We’re almost there.” He’s also not short of compliments and has brightened my day many times with, “You’re a beautiful lady!” or “You look pretty!” Just the other day he walked in and said, “Hey, you big handsome Mommy!” He also loves to give: “Here, Mommy, I caught (got) you a flower!” or “This rock’s for you, Dadda!” Yes, there’s nothing like our two-year old Caleb. I love every bit of this age, and I wouldn’t trade this time with him for anything in the world!