Tuesday, May 08, 2007

To the Beach!

We were recently able to take a weekend trip to Seagrove Beach, FL with some friends we went to college with, where we helped with childcare at a conference. We had a great time, especially since we got to enjoy staying in a condo right on the beach as part of our pay for keeping the kids. We were on the 6th floor and our balcony afforded us an incredible view--we even got to see a school of about 30 dolphins swim by at lunch one day!
Boy was it great to see the ocean again! It was Susanna's first time to go, and she was highly impressed--she thought it was the best place ever to take a nap. I think so too--there's nothing like the warm sun, ocean breeze, and the sound of the waves on the shore...(can you tell I love the beach?!). Caleb's been wanting to return to the ocean since last summer's family vacation to Charleston, so he was ecstatic! There's something so invigorating about watching a child enjoy the beach. Caleb's uninhibited delight was infectious, and we found ourselves running and splashing and giggling right along with him. He found camaraderie with two little boys who were playing soccer nearby, and again at the pool with a little girl who shared her toys with him. It was a fun trip--a nice getaway in the midst of all our packing and preparations!