Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thinking outside the box

As the reality of our recent transition begins to set in, we are beginning to feel a growing sense of excitement that we once again have somewhat of a "blank canvas" to work with. 

It's funny how models and methodology that once brought you comfort can subtly begin to stifle your passion and vision for the work.  Optimism gives way to sobriety.  Passion gives way to submission.  Creativity and innovation slowly start to buckle under the pressure of conformity.

In Luke's second narrative we first encounter the character Paul.  As a vision for the future of the faith was birthed in him, his passion often moved him to action.  And though his methods were often in flux, his vision remained the same.  Sometimes short stays, sometimes long.  Sometimes confrontational, sometimes gentle.  Sometimes self-supported, other times provided for.  Sometimes he would yield, and other times he would stand his ground regardless of the consequences.

For Paul, staying true to his calling did not mean marrying his method(s).  His example gives me courage for the journey ahead.