Sunday, September 03, 2006

Dried up contact lenses and dehydration

I depart for Asia on Tuesday. It will be a long flight, approximately 24 hours from the time I leave Atlanta until the time I arrive (this includes layovers). I've been warned that my contact lenses will dry up and I will tend to dehydrate. I will be there for about seven days. I'll be checking out apartments and other living considerations in preparation for our move this summer. I expect this will be a profitable trip, though I wish Gracy was going as well (she would notice many things that will evade my notice).
Be thinking about us during this time. Gracy is still not well, and is often fatigued from the pregnancy. We're very thankful for the help we've received from our mothers. My mom came down from North Carolina for four days to help recently, and Susan (Gracy's mom) have been a constant aid.